Governance & Ethics
Since our company’s founding in 1978, Brooks has grown and evolved as a business, continually stepping up to new challenges and finding innovative ways to help our customers succeed. Through all of this change, we have operated by standards of conduct that reflect our values — honesty, integrity, accountability, and respect for one another and the many constituencies that we serve.
Corporate Governance: Our Board of Directors directs and oversees the management of the business and affairs of the company in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. Our directors maintain high ethical standards and demonstrate an ongoing commitment to strong corporate governance.
Ethics and Integrity: Brooks Standards of Conduct outline behaviors that all employees worldwide are expected to observe and maintain. In addition, we have distinct policies and procedures related to human rights, health and safety, workplace harassment, discrimination, freedom of association, collection bargaining, corruption, bribery, accounting practices, insider training, and trade secrets.
- Brooks Code of Conduct
- Brooks Code of Conduct - Spanish
- Brooks Code of Conduct - Chinese (Simplified)
- Brooks Code of Conduct - Chinese (Traditional)
- Brooks Code of Conduct - Korean
- Brooks Code of Conduct - Japanese
- Brooks Code of Conduct - German
- Human Rights Policy
- Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement